
Blindside is the social training platform for coaches and athletes in individual and team sports, across all levels.

With over 4,200 exercises, sports coaches will find plenty of inspiration for their workouts. A standout feature: All of the content on Blindside comes from the actual users, who can create and share exercises with videos and collections directly in the app.

With other current or soon to be available features such as training plans, session planning and periodization, as well as the ability to network with users, we provide a solid tool supporting sports training, because: "Practice Makes Perfect".

Blindside is founded on the conviction that organized sport in all its forms is an enrichment to society, still holding true in the 21st century. But for this to happen, sport must be open to changing values, technical progress, digital ideas and solutions. We see the willingness for new ways much more among athletes and coaches than among federation or club boards, which is why the democratization of training content is the right step towards an attractive future of physical sports as well as e-sports!

Download Blindside for free and discover the app that inspires more and more coaches everyday!


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